Jos de Mul. Onzingeving. Moedwil en misverstand in Hermans' Wittgenstein-interpretatie. De Gids (Mei 2008), 451-459.

Van de doden niets dan goeds. Voor de filosoof W.F. Hermans maak ik graag een uitzondering. Kan de kwaliteit van Hermans’ literaire werk moeilijk worden overschat, zijn verdiensten als lezer, interpreet en vertaler van filosofische werken worden naar mijn mening door zijn bewonderaars schromelijk overschat. Op filosofisch terrein slaat hij de bal vaak en hartstochtelijk mis. Ik zal deze stelling staven door een korte beschouwing over Hermans’ door moedwil en misverstand gekenmerkte lectuur van Wittgenstein. Ik zal voorts betogen dat deze smalle, door het neo-positivisme geïnspireerde interpretatie van Wittgenstein Hermans weliswaar heeft geïnspireerd tot een aantal literaire meesterwerken, maar dat deze de auteur tevens, en onvermijdelijk, aanzette tot de verloochening van de betekenis van de literatuur, en daarmee van zijn eigen levenswerk. Ten slotte zal ik laten zien dat deze verloochening een belangrijke bron vormt voor Hermans’ literaire zelfhaat. 

NextNature. Sublime natural and technological landscapes, in: Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture.  Volume 26, no.3 (2015),  5-23.

The development of the representation of the landscape in Europe since the 14th century Renaissance can be understood as a mirror of the development of modern and postmodern Western culture as a whole. After sketching the development of landscape representation in modern and postmodern Europe, the article focuses on the theme of sublimity, which, at least since the era of Romanticism, has been inherent to the European experience and representation of the landscape, both in its successive natural and technological manifestation. Against this background, the paper also discusses some striking differences between the European and the Asian landscape.

Keywords : NextNature, Sublimity, Sublime landscapes, European landscape, Asian landscape, natural landscapes, technological landscapes

Jos de Mul. Moral machines. In: Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology. Volume 14, no. 3 (2010), 226-237.

In spite of the popularity of computer ethics, ICTs appear to undermine our moral autonomy in several ways. This article focuses on the 'delegation' of our moral agency to machines. Three stages of delegation are distinguished: implementation of moral values and norms in the design of artefacts, delegation of moral means to machines, and delegation of both moral means and goals to machines. Second, it is argued that the 'outsourcing' of moral agency does not necessarily lead to the undermining of our moral autonomy, but might enhance it as well.

Keywords: ICTs, moral autonomy, man-machine interaction, moral mediation

Jos de Mul. Le sublime (bio)technologique. Diogène. No.233-234 (2011), 25-37.

Le sublime (bio)technologique 

Si le concept de sublime a été employé par le passé pour exprimer l'impuissance ressentie par l'homme dans ses tentatives de représentation de la Nature, la condition postmoderne – d'où la Nature même a été évincée – a donné lieu à une notion du sublime au sein de laquelle les êtres humains se retrouvent confrontés à leurs propres créations.

Dale Chapman.


Depuis son émergence en tant que discipline distincte dans le champ de la philosophie, au milieu du XVIIIe siècle1, l'histoire de l'esthétique manifeste deux tendances remarquables qui reflètent plusieurs développements spécifiques propres à l'art et à la culture (post)modernes en général. D'un côté, le développement de l'esthé- tique se caractérise par une spéciation remarquable ainsi que par la multiplication des catégories esthétiques. Si l'esthétique des premiers temps se concentrait essentiellement sur la catégorie du beau, une multitude de nouveaux concepts esthétiques, tels que le sublime, l'ironique, le comique, l'absurde et le banal, a émergé au début du XIXe siècle et s'impose encore aujourd'hui. Il est évident que cette expansion reflète les développements propres à l'art mo- derne lui-même qui n'a cessé d'élargir le champ de l'expérience et de l'expression esthétiques. Les beaux-arts sont devenus les arts qui ne sont plus beaux.

Jos de Mul. Human nature after Neo-Darwinism. in: Eidos .A Journal for Philosophy of Culture. Special issue: Is the Category of Human Nature Still Relevant? Vol 1 (2017), 1: 5-17. 


In the course of the 20th century the so-called Modern Synthesis of Neo-Darwinism has become the dominant paradigm in modern biology. First, it is explained how and why Darwin’s broad definition of evolution, in which the environment plays an important role, was narrowed down by Neo-Darwinism to a radical gene-centric view.  Next, the paradigm shift taking place today in ‘postgenomic’ evolutionary biology and genetics is discussed. It is argued that this shift opens the way to a more humane conception of evolution, more in line with Darwin’s view. Finally, I will discuss some of the implications of this paradigm shift for human self-reflection, taking The Music of Life. Biology Beyond Genes of systems biologist Denis Noble as a starting point.


Neo-Darwinism, Dennis Noble, gene-centrism, postgenomics, agency, human self-reflection

Jos de Mul. Horizons of Hermeneutics: Intercultural Hermeneutics in a Globalizing World.  Frontiers of Philosophy in China. Vol. 6, No. 4 (2011), 628-655.

Abstract  Starting from the often-used metaphor of the “horizon of experience” this article discusses three different types of intercultural hermeneutics, which respectively conceive hermeneutic interpretation as a widening of horizons, a fusion of horizons, and a dissemination of horizons. It is argued that these subsequent stages in the history of hermeneutics have their origin in—but are not fully restricted to—respectively premodern, modern and postmodern stages of globalization. Taking some striking moments of the encounter between Western and Chinese language and philosophy as example, the particular merits and flaws of these three types of hermeneutics are being discussed. The claim defended is that although these different types of hermeneutics are mutually exclusive from a theoretical point of view, as interpreting beings in the current era we depend on each of these distinct hermeneutic practices and cannot avoid living on them simultaneously.

Keywords intercultural hermeneutics, globalization, horizon of interpretation, premodernism, modernism, postmodernism


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