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Jos de Mul. Panel discussion Artificial Intelligence: promises and public concerns. Trust in Science Conference. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam, June 13, 2022.

IANUS ('Inspiring and ANchoring trUst in Science, research and innovation') is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission. Our aim is to strengthen warranted trust in science by fostering participation in research as a co-creative and inclusive process, sensitive to societal values, concerns and needs. We believe that trust must be inspired by transparency and trustworthiness of knowledge production, and anchored by actively involving and serving society, as part of the modus operandi of science. The complexity and urgency of societal challenges has rapidly intensified, and trust in science is an important requirement to address these challenges effectively.

On the 13th of June 2022, the IANUS project will be launched during a public conference, involving prominent speakers and panel discussions on open science and populism; science, pharmaceutical companies and global political tensions (lessons from the COVID pandemic, and promises and concerns regarding AI. 

Link to the audio recording of the whole conference. (The panel on AI and Public concerns starts at 3:37)

Tentative Programme  

The conference starts at 13:00 on 13th June 2022. 

You can download a detailed version of the programme here.

IANUS project

IANUS, coordinated by professor Hub Zwart, involves two EUR schools and nine international partners: Erasmus School of PhilosophyErasmus School of History, Culture and CommunicationRadboud UniversityOpens externalUniversity of TartuOpens externalKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyOpens externalFraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation ResearchOpens externalSapienza University of RomeOpens externalLondon School of EconomicsOpens externalAristotle University ThessalonikiOpens externalResearch Council of LithuaniaOpens external and AcumenISTOpens external.

  • Annelien Bredenoord

    Rector Magnificus


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