• 序言 约斯·德·穆尔 (Jos de Mul. Introduction) In: Zha Changping. World Relational Aesthetics. A History of Ideas in Pioneering Contemporary Chinese Art. Volume One. Shanghai: Sanlian, 2017, xiv-xvi, xvii-xx.




  • Jos de Mul. Turkish Delight. In: Ayşen Savaş & Sevin Osmay (eds.), Jale Erzen Testimonial. Middle East  Technical University (METU) Press, 2017, 146-152.

    Of all the times I met with Jale Erzen over the last couple of decades, our meeting in May 2002 was perhaps the most memorable. Jale had invited me to take part in the 6th International Symposium of SANART about Art and Social Engagement, held at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara. The Symposium took place shortly after 9/11, a time when many heated discussions were held in Turkey, just as in other countries, about the political Islam, the role of religion in society, and the separation of church and state, and in Ankara the tension was running high between the Kemalists and the politicians inspired by the Islam.  

    Following the conference, I went on a short trip with Jale and about ten other philosophers, from five different continents, to the east of Turkey, which was planned by Jale. We flew to Diyarbakir and then travelled on by bus and later by jeep through the northern part of the virtual state of Kurdistan. It was a memorable trip because of several reasons. In the first place because of the awe-inspiring endless bleak mountains around us, in which the only humans living there seem to be goatherds herding their flocks in search of the last remnants of vegetation. It was difficult to imagine a bigger contrast with the polders in Zeeland where I grew up.  The impression the vast and rugged landscape made on me was intensified by the realisation that we were surrounded by thousands of years of history. This vast region situated 'between the rivers', the Euphrates and the Tigris, used to be called Mesopotamia in ancient times and was full of fig-, olive-, walnut- and pomegranate trees, vines and oleander bushes. According to tradition here was once the Biblical Garden of Eden.

  • Jos de Mul. The Earth Garden: Going Back or Going Forward to Nature? Frontiers of Philosophy in China. Vol.12 (2017) 2: 237-248.

    Abstract Against the background of a short meditation on the contrasting ways in which landscape has been represented and idealized in Eastern and Western painting traditions, the article will try to show, using some striking examples, that the development of landscape painting in the last two centuries reflects the changing relationship of humanity and nature, leading in both the East and in the West to either the expression of a nostalgic longing for nature to be back as it once was, or to a gloomy expression of the vanishing of nature amidst the modern, technological world. Connecting to both the concept of “harmony,” which is a key concept in Eastern aesthetics, and to some recent reflections in Western philosophy on the relationship of nature and technology, a post-nostalgic conception of nature and natural beauty is defended, in which nature and technology are no longer seen as opposing categories, but rather as poles that are intertwined in an ever-lasting process of co-evolution. It is argued that we should not so much strive to go “back to nature,” but rather to go “forward to nature” and establish a new harmony between human and non-human nature and technology. The article ends with some reflections on the role artists and aestheticians may play in this transformation.

    Keywords environmental pollution, environmental aesthetics, philosophy of nature, comparative aesthetics, philosophy of technology

  • Jos de Mul. Preface. In: Zha Changping. World Relational Aesthetics. A History of Ideas in Pioneering Contemporary Chinese Art. Volume One. Shanghai: Sanlian, 2017, xiv-xvi, xvii-xx.

    In 2006, as part of a lecture tour through China, which brought me to cities as different as Urumqi and Shanghai, I also participated in a conference of the International Association of Aesthetics in Chengdu. It was on this occasion that I met Zha Changping for the first time. I was introduced to him by a common friend of us, the Shanghai-based historian Chen Xin. During my stay in Chengdu, Changping and I had several conversations, and I especially remember one hot evening in June, whenwe, together with museum sculptor Zhu Cheng and my wife Gerry, were sitting on a terrace near the Fu river, discussing the state of contemporary art, religion and politics in China and Europe, meanwhile enjoying the delicious Sichuan food and cool beers and watching the joyful play of the little children on the terrace. It was a wonderful evening, to which my memories often return.

    Since that first meeting more than ten years have passed, in which Changping and I kept in touch. I followed his publications (unfortunately only being able to read the English ones, as I am not able to read Chinese) and was impressed by his productivity andthe broad scope of his publications, ranging from art criticism and art history – such as the very informative Up-On Chengdu, Somatic Aesthetics and Scene Connection (2013) - to studies in the logic of history, Japanese history, New Testament studies, and a series of translations. What moreover impressed me was his profound familiarity with Western art theories and the creative way he applied them within a Chinese context. Changping proved to be all-round humanities scholar with an inspiring intercultural approach.

  • Jos de Mul. Paniek in de Polder. Polytiek in tijden van populisme. Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, februari 2017.

    Uitgebreide en geactualiseerde editie met twee extra hoofdstukken en een nieuwe inleiding over populisme ten tijde van Trumps ‘tweetocratie’

    Er waart een spook door Europa en omstreken – het spook van het populisme. Het multiculturalisme is failliet verklaard, de rechtsstaat en parlementaire democratie staan onder druk, de Europese Unie kraakt in haar voegen. Donald Trump heeft de vs in de populistische vaart der volkeren opgestuwd en Marine Le Pen, Viktor Orbán, Bart De Wever en onze eigen Geert Wilders ruiken de macht. Er heerst paniek in de Polder.

    Helder en met de nodige humor analyseert Jos de Mul het wedervaren van de vaderlandse politiek sinds de moord op Pim Fortuyn. Hij schrijft over schaatsende moslima’s, wedergeboren verlichters, eurosceptische nationalisten en islamofobe populisten.

    Daarbij pleit hij voor een ‘verlichte polytiek’ die de paniek buiten de Polder houdt en het tragisch besef erbinnen. Tegenover mono- en multiculturalisten verdedigt hij een ‘interculturele’ invalshoek: we moeten aanvaarden dat culturen zich voortdurend vermengen, met alle spanningen en verrijkingen van dien, en de succesvolle mengvormen krachtig stimuleren.

  • Bruno Accarino, Jos de Mul und Hans-Peter Krüger (Hrsg.). Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie.Band 7 / International Yearbook for Philosophical Anthropology. Volume 7. Thomas Ebke und Alexy Zhavoronkov (Hrsg.). Nietzsche und die Anthropologie. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 356 p.

    Im Zentrum dieses Buches stehen die Fragen nach der systematischen Gestalt von  Friedrich Nietzsches Anthropologie und nach Nietzsches  Effekten  auf die philosophische Anthropologie. Im gegensatz zu der langen tonangebenden antrianthropologischen  Tradition der Nietzsche-Deutung soll der Band Impulse zu einer Lektüre von Nietzsche als einen anthropologisch sensiblen Denker setzen.

  • Jos de Mul. Meeting OSCAR and Erica. On almost living bodies, new media aesthetics, and the East-West divide. In Aesthetics and Mass Culture. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Aesthetics. Seoul: Seoul National University, Invited Round Table. Seoul: Seoul National University, 2017, 64-69.
  • Jos de Mul. Human nature after Neo-Darwinism. in: Eidos .A Journal for Philosophy of Culture.Special issue: Is the Category of Human Nature Still Relevant? Vol 1 (2017), 1: 5-17. 


    In the course of the 20th century the so-called Modern Synthesis of Neo-Darwinism has become the dominant paradigm in modern biology. First, it is explained how and why Darwin’s broad definition of evolution, in which the environment plays an important role, was narrowed down by Neo-Darwinism to a radical gene-centric view.  Next, the paradigm shift taking place today in ‘postgenomic’ evolutionary biology and genetics is discussed. It is argued that this shift opens the way to a more humane conception of evolution, more in line with Darwin’s view. Finally, I will discuss some of the implications of this paradigm shift for human self-reflection, taking The Music of Life. Biology Beyond Genes of systems biologist Denis Noble as a starting point.


    Neo-Darwinism, Dennis Noble, gene-centrism, postgenomics, agency, human self-reflection

  • Jos de Mul. Athens, or the Fate of Europe. Journal of Philosophical Research. Special supplement: Selected Papers from the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. 2015: 221–227.

    ABSTRACT: In his essay ‘The Idea of Europe’ George Steiner claims that European culture derives from “a primordial duality, the twofold inheritance of Athens and Jerusalem”. For Steiner, the relationship between Greek rationalism and Jewish religion, which is at once conflictual and syncretic, has engaged the entire history of European philosophy, morality, and politics. However, given this definition, at present the United States of America seem to be more European that ‘the old Europe’ itself. Against Steiner, it will be argued that in order to fathom the distinctive characteristic of European culture, we have to take a third European tradition into account, which is inextricably bound up with Athens: the tradition of Greek tragedy. If we may call Europe a tragic continent, it is not only because its history is characterised by an abundance of real political tragedies, but also because it embodies, as an idea and an ideal, a tragic awareness of the fragility of human life. Instead of reducing the ‘idea of Europe’ to a financial and economic issue, Europe should remain faithful to this idea and ideal.

    First of all I like to thank the organizers for their invitation to join this symposium on Art and Cultures. As a tribute to the magnificent city of Athens and its inhabitants, I will talk about the relationship between European culture and the art form that is inextricably tied to the city of Athens: Greek tragedy. The thesis I will defend is that European culture distinguishes itself from other world cultures, and in particular from North-American culture, with which it shares both its Christian and its scientific worldview, by its deeply tragic character. This claim, I will argue, is neither a pessimistic nor an optimistic one, because tragedy is beyond this simple dichotomy. If I claim that Europe is a tragic continent, I refer both to its grandeur and pitfalls.

    My talk consists of two parts. First, in a critical discussion with George Steiner, I will address the question of the identity of European culture. In the second part I will relate this identity to Greek tragedy.

  • Jos de Mul.  Filosoof Jos de Mul neemt ons mee in de wereld van de filosofie. Interview door Geert Maarse. Studio Erasmus, 6 juni 2023. Youtube.

    Bekend als een van de succesvolste filosofen die uit Rotterdam is voortgekomen, won grote prijzen en was zowel bij internationale instituten als bij Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam werkzaam. Helaas neemt Jos de Mul nu afscheid van onze universiteit.

  • Jos de Mul. De plaats van de mens in het Symbioceen. Afscheidslezing ter gelegenheid van zijn emeritaat als hoogleraar wijsgerige antropologie en haar geschiedenis aan de Erasmus School of Philosophy van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Rotterdam, 31 mei 2023. De integrale tekst van de lezing, inclusief voetnoten en bibliografie, is hierte lezen.  Een verkorte versie verscheen op 7 juli 2023 onder de titel De storm die over de aarde woedt in De Groene Amsterdammer. De volgende link geeft ten slotte informatie over de afscheidsconferentiedie ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat werd georganiseerd.

    Klik op de afbeelding om de videoregistratie + PowerPoint te bekijken. n.b. de lezing begint 18 minuten na de start van de opname.

  • Jos de Mul. The Matrix: Actueler dan ooit! Studium Generale lezing Universiteit Twente. Gebouw: Vrijhof, 19:30 - 21:00 uur. Te zien en te beluisteren op YouTube

    ‘Welcome in the desert of the real.’ Met deze onheilspellende woorden van filosoof Baudrillard wordt hoofdpersoon Neo welkom geheten in de ‘echte wereld’. The Matrix-trilogie is een ode aan de fundamentele filosofische vraag: wat is waar? Prof. dr. Jos de Mul, hoogleraar wijsbegeerte (Erasmus Universiteit), laat zien hoeveel filosofie er achter The Matrix schuilgaat: van Plato en Descartes tot aan Nietzsche. De trilogie blijkt actueler dan ooit. Leven wij tegenwoordig – gekluisterd aan onze beeldschermen en gebombardeerd door fake news – niet deels in een virtuele wereld? Waar in The Matrix machines energie uit mensen zogen, daar onttrekken nu Google en Facebook informatie aan ons. In zijn lezing zal De Mul ook uitvoerig ingaan op het zowel bejubelde als verguisde vierde deel van The Matrix Saga, dat eerder dit jaar in première ging.



  •  'Nieuw levensbegrip markeert einde neoliberaal tijdperk.' Ad Verbrugge in gesprek met Jos de Mul in De Nieuwe Wereld. 2 September 2021. Te zien en te beluisteren op YouTube.

    Ad Verbrugge in gesprek met Jos de Mul, hoogleraar wijsgerige antropologie en haar geschiedenis aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, over het boek van Denis Noble: ‘De Muziek van het Leven.’ “Nature en nurture zijn niet wezenlijk onderscheiden. Ze beïnvloeden elkaar.” Sinds de tijden van Descartes wordt de wetenschap beheerst door de overtuiging dat de werkelijkheid in tweeën is gesplitst. Er is het materiële aspect, dat functioneert als een mechanisme, en het spirituele aspect, dat zich aan dit mechaniek onttrekt. Onze tijd erfde van Descartes slechts het eerste, materiele perspectief. Nog altijd houden de meeste natuurwetenschappers er een reductionistisch, deterministisch en mechanistisch beeld van de natuurlijke werkelijkheid op na. Ten onrechte, zegt wijsgerig antropoloog Jos de Mul, want het verschil tussen lichaam en geest is lang niet zo groot als men misschien wel denkt. In het werk van bioloog Denis Noble wordt een beeld van het leven geschetst dat ver af ligt van de reductionistische mainstream, vertegenwoordigd door neo-Darwinisten als Richard Dawkins: “Het leven is een samenspel.” Een ode aan het ritme van de natuur, met Jos de Mul.


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